Currently, one graduate (ENG 6138) and two undergraduate (ENG 4136 and ENG 4146) production courses are offered. Both the graduate class and ENG 4146 are variable topics and may be repeated. (Topics in previous and upcoming years have included Found Footage/Editing, Hypervideo, and 16mm Film Production.) Generally, three undergraduate and one graduate production course are offered each year. In addition, students frequently take advantage of independent studies for advanced production work. Also, many honors theses include a production component and production can be a component of Ph.D. work as well.
Philosophically, production in the Film and Media Studies Program focuses on experimental uses of the various media, seeking to combine theory and practice in new and provocative ways.
Currently, video work is primarily shot on digital video on 3-chip miniDV cameras. We additionally have a fleet of recently overhauled 16mm cameras that are used for film production with a full complement of light kits, tripods, light meters, etc.
Editing takes place in our 3 state-of-the-art media labs that are equipped with a total of 13 Mac edit stations running the latest versions of Final Cut Studio. Students get extensive hands-on experience with these systems in all of the production courses.